About Me

I have survived with Bipolar Disorder for over 20 years now and I would like to share my life experience and knowledge to those that want to educate themselves about the mental illness. I do not have any medical degrees and please note that all my blogs are strictly my viewpoints on how the illness has affected my life as well as those that have shared my journey.

1 comment:

  1. I also have bipolar disorder and I wrote a book about my heartbreaks and challenges that I went through having bipolar disorder. I was diagnosed when I was 24. I am also creating my own website as well. To check the quick page go to: www.surviving-mental-illness.com If my book interests you, you can go to my quick page or go to my publisher's author page at www.outskirtspress.com/survivingmentalillness.

    The title of my book is Surviving Mental Illness, My Story. Also check it out and other articles on www.survivingmentalillnessbook.wordpress.com
